Picton Gazette Express Vol. 1 No. 31

A grassroots campaign to stop a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) for the Picton Terminals expansion has collected over 600 signatures on a petition destined for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Paul Calandra.

Say No to MZO, a campaign led by Penny Morris and County Conservancy President Leslie Stewart, asks that the Minister refuse the MZO and stop the proposed expansion in its tracks.

The County’s settlement deal with Picton Terminals requires it to apply for an MZO to rezone the property MX-Industrial Extractive by the end of the year. The zoning would allow for a rock quarry and international container shipping.

The Crystal Palace and Picton Main Street will be all lit up this weekend, courtesy of the Department of Illumination. The Lantern Festival is a regular feature of County life in the fall.

Editorial: Reality Check

Last month the Gazette’s Books on Film club was reading Katharine Graham’s memoir, Personal History, which tells the story of her life leading up to and then becoming the publisher of The Washington Post from 1963 to 1991.

At the same time, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and the Post’s publisher since 2013, moved to quash his newspaper’s endorsement of Kamala Harris for President of the United States. 

It seemed a sign of the terrible times. The Washington Post is no longer a family-owned company, but a small piece of a global monopoly. Bezos’s main interest these days is his rocket ships at Blue Origin. He is competing with Elon Musk in a race for outer space, and billions of dollars in U.S. government contracts are at stake. A nod to a possible President Trump was required. 

Chris Fanning addresses the terrible horrible no good very bad US election by advising us of all the small, local acts of human care documented in this week’s issue, from the PECMHA’s 215 sets of hand knitted hats and mitts to the 600 signatures on the Say to the MZO petition.

The Weekend Ticket

Department of Illumination hosts its 12th Annual Firelight Lantern Festival this weekend. Friday night is a 19+ adults-only band and puppet bash featuring Bad Tractor, North Fire Circus and the Museum of Uncommon Phenomena by Melissa Brant and Floss & Tann.

Saturday November 9 in the early evening is the lantern parade down Picton Main to the Fairgrounds for outdoor family fun. Gather at 6pm on in Benson Park for a performance from the Aurora Borealis Community Choir and North Fire Circus. Parade departs 7pm for the Crystal Palace and a celebratory eve with music from Cat Named Earl. Purchase tickets here.

Cabaret the Musical by Shatterbox Theatre continues at the Cape tonight and tomorrow.

The Makers Hand, by the Prince Edward County Arts Council is at Highline Hall in Wellington all weekend, November 8, 9, and 10, 10am-5pm. $5 for entry all weekend, kids under 12 are free. Visitors will find an impressive range of unique handmade objects by 40 established and emerging artists from across Ontario and Western Quebec.

Tommy Youngsteen return to Prince Edward County performing Fleetwood Mac's 1977 "Rumours" along with all their Greatest Hits. Live on stage! At the Eddy, Friday night. Tickets here.

What We’re Searching With.

Oh, the internet. It can be a scary place… but less so with Freespoke. Freespoke is a search engine that does a few important things differently:

  • News results show all sides with media biases labeled (left, middle, right)

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Freespoke is the search platform that respects your privacy and doesn’t manipulate the information you find online.